Thursday, October 30, 2008

art communities

For this blog instead of choosing an artist or piece of art I'd like to bring some light to the online art community deviantart. I know many people already know of this site but I felt it would be a good thing to mention as I find it to be inspirational and a good source ideas when I am stuck on a project or thought. Deviantart offers membership to anyone, a place to present your art and even get feedback on it. The site has every kind of art on it from drawings, paintings, ceramics, computer art and photography even writing and fan art done from books, animes, and fanfiction. One thing I really like about the site is that the members are very friendly, you can send a message to another member about the construction of one of the peices and generally get a response telling you the general process they took to get their results. A note on the piece is available to be placed under the work where many people state their medium and sometimes inspiration or thoughts going into the piece and after thoughts of it. I have often found myselfeither just browsing through the site looking at peices for the enjoyment of it or studying different peices while I was in the middle of a work that I may or may not be stuck on and gaining some some sort of inspiration from some piece on deviantart. Deviantart is also full of members from all different parts of the world, the U.S. England, Japan, China, Australia, so when on the site you get see what people from differing cultures create. I know there are other art communities online one that I know of is but I haven't had a chance to look more at Cheezy or search for other sites similiar to deviantart. Over all is a good place to look for enjoyment, inspiration, and even advice when your working on a piece.

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